Saturday, March 16, 2013

Energy Project Update (Final Warning)

Hello Alchemist Club Members,

This is Mr. Ronelus. I hope everyone has a energy project. Your assignment this week to make sure you have an energy project. We've been working on this idea for the past 2 Months. By this time, every Alchemist club member should have an energy project. Once you have decided on your topic, you have to continue your research in order to gather background information. We will discuss the next phase of your project this week. At this point, it's imperative that every science club member come fully prepare on Monday to talk about their project. If you guys are having a hard time or need help, send me an email or talk about your trouble in the blog so that we can help each other.

Mr. R


  1. ok MR.R i have already found my new project and i posted it

  2. Mr.R my project is making a solar power rocket to save energy
