Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The History Of Robots (A Timeline)

 270 B.C. -an ancient greek engineer named Ctesibus made orgins and water clocks with movable figures.
 1818 -mary shelly wrote frankenstien wich was about a frightening artificial life form created by Doctor Frankenstien
 1921 -the term robot was used in a play called R.U.R or Rossom's Universal Robots by the writer Caral  Kapec.The plot was simple man makes robot , robot kills man!
 1941 -science fiction writer Issac Asimov first used the word robotics and predicted the rise of a powerful robot industry.
 1942 -Asimov wrote runaround a story about robots wich also provided the three rules of robots .
 1.a robot may not injure a human or allow a human to come to harm.
 2.a robot must obey the orders given by humans except when such orders conflict the first law.
 3.a robot must protect its owners existance as such protection does not disobey the first and second laws.
 1948 -oxbernetics an influence on artificial intelligence was published by Nobert Wiener and a british robotics pioneer William Enrey invented robots Elmer,and Elsie that mimmic life like behavior using very simple electronics.


  1. Hello Adrian, I'm glad to see that you're finally using the blog. This is a great beginning

  2. that is awsome! your's trully astrid r.o.
